Sunday, February 26, 2017

Corruption Exposed

The above is a partial copy of an actual sentencing hearing transcript in Vermilion County Illinois.  The words are those of Judge Craig DeArmond.  I posted these to illustrate what those of us who stand for what is right and just are up against in that county. 

Some of my previous posts offer a taste of what I faced when I tried to do my job, do what was right, do what I swore under oath I would do.  The reality is, in Vermilion County, if you try to uphold your oath of office and, in doing so, you expose the untouchables, horrible things will happen to you.  The dirty little secrets I mentioned in a previous post are touched on in the transcript.  I will go a step further than the judge did and mention Frank's full name and office.  His name is Frank Young and he was the State's Attorney of Vermilion County.

He is just one of many who hold, or have held, powerful positions who have abused their power.  Those who don't fall in line with their agenda will be trampled underfoot.  When I was dangerously close to fully exposing members of their circle they tried to silence me.  When I refused to play their game they tried to destroy my career and my credibility.  My reputation took a hit but I'm still here.  And I won't be silenced.

Another they tried to silence was Denny Davis, my dear friend and mentor.  They've tried to tarnish his credibility and reputation as well.  Most would tuck their tails and acquiesce.  We're not made that way.  So if you want to know the truth, stay with us.  Everything we say is backed up with supporting evidence.  I won't throw out numbers and statistics, or names and places without solid proof to back it up.  Arthur Greenwell's blog at, concerning the corruption in Vermilion County, did not do this.  We will.  Nor will we hide behind an alias. 

The untouchables use fear and intimidation, as do the gangs, to get what they want.  My message to the reader is, if you have the fortitude to be part of the solution then do so.  Otherwise you're part of the problem.  Regardless of excuses, ranging from fear to ignorance to complicity, you are still part of the problem.  Yes, that includes you Danville and Vermilion County officers.  Going along with their program makes you complicit. 

So decide today which side of the fence you're going to be on, and straddling it makes you nothing more than a coward.