Saturday, January 14, 2023


 Deep State    

What is the "deep state"?  To me it is the forces which are layered beneath our elected officials to steer an agenda.  An agenda which has often been crafted and guided for years, swallowing up elected leaders as they come and go.  I would bet to say many of our elected politicians started out in public service with good intentions but could not resist the influence of those elitists who drive the agenda.  Once compromised the deep state owns their prey, and can control them like putty in the hand.  

The deep state exists at all levels of government, from the smallest local systems to the federal powers.  They seek to lure the population under their purview into a sense of trust and esteem.  Once you're captured under their spell, they proceed to act in accordance with their agenda, not your interests.  You, however, being of good character want to believe them at their word, because that's how you are wired.  You think that they have your back, and care about you.  After all, they constantly push narratives which focus on protecting you from all kinds of evil out there.  In reality, they are the evil which seeks to destroy you for their gain.  You could fall off the face of the earth and they wouldn't bat an eye.  Oh, publicly they will, but their hearts are stone and they just don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.  

It's difficult for good people to understand that fellow countrymen and women would be so callous and self serving.  So you give them many chances, they insist their indiscretion was a mistake, or an isolated case of lapse of judgement.  After all, none of us are perfect, we all make mistakes.  We buy into this and they continue to pillage our communities.  All by design.

Had I not taken a career path which would put me directly in the hot zone I may never have figured this out on my own.  I have personally experienced, though, the darkness of the deep state and their nefarious ways.  We tend to think of good and evil as black and white.  There are the good guys, who we assume to be our leaders, our public servants and the like.  Of course identifying the bad guys is easy, those nasty characters who dress like gangsters and ride around in their tricked out cars.  They act tough and macho, street smart and obvious, like a street corner prostitute.  Easily spotted, easily judged.  

Folks I'm here to tell you that I have found in my 26 plus year career that I am more comfortable sitting in front of a hard core drug dealer than a mealy mouthed figure of prominence.  I have more faith in a gang banger keeping it real than the person who has an agenda to fundamentally steer the way I think.  I have been straight up lied to by judges, lawyers, high ranking police officials, at all levels, local, state and federal.  I expect a gang banger to start out with lies, I used to expect the professionals to be honest, the first time every time.  But now I know, they are the sleaziest of them all, and I usually take what they say, turn it upside down, and somewhere find a sliver of truth in a plank of deception.  

Our country is being destroyed before our eyes.  The rank and file are being villainized, while the pillars of our community are laughing all the way to the bank.  The hypocrisy is mind boggling.  There is absolutely zero justice in the so called justice system.  We need a fundamental change alright, and it should begin by cutting off the head of the snake.  But how do we do this?

Begin with prayer.  It is more powerful than any monster, I can attest to that.  If all the good folks of our nation would offer up daily prayers for the eradication of the evil deep state we would see a change.  Pray for the vision and wisdom to understand what God is calling you to do in this silent war.  We all have a mission, one or two people won't get the job done, we must work together using the gifts our Heavenly Father gave us to fight evil.  We could be an undefeatable army of prayer warriors if we followed through.  

The next step, act.  Once you discern the plan God has for you set it in motion.  If we were all to do this we would operate like a well oiled machine.  God is in charge, but He is counting on us as his instruments to carry out the good works and deeds.  Be not afraid, fear no one but The Lord Himself.  Trust in Him.  Do not let your ears be tickled by the deep state, be aware, be smart, be vigilant.  Delay no more, our time is upon us, we must take action.  If we don't, well, the outcome for our kids and grandkids will be devastating.  Fight like you mean it, for your loved ones.  Together we can overcome, conquer and destroy the deep state.  We are the majority.  They try to make you think you are in the minority and out of touch.  Get back to your roots, read the bible, our lessons are right their in those pages.  

Technology doesn't make us smarter than our previous generations, it actually makes us dumber.  Get back to the basics, and, as I said, begin with prayer.  May God bless the righteous of America.