Monday, November 24, 2014

When Good Becomes Evil

We're seeing it yet again in a place called Ferguson.  A man who swore to uphold the constitution and dedicated his life to the protection of the innocent is being labeled as the bad guy because he was forced to use deadly force during the commission of his duties.  The deceased, meanwhile, is being labeled as an innocent "victim" of police brutality which was allegedly perpetrated because of the color of his skin.

It simply amazes me at the way these types of situations get turned upside down, seemingly overnight, before anyone, other than the two men directly involved in the encounter, know what really happened.  And it happens because everyone has their own agenda.  Of  course the press wants to sell news so they are going to jump all over it, the pundits come out of the woodwork because they get a paycheck too, those still playing the race card see it as a way to promote their agenda and the criminal element see it as a free pass to loot and pillage.

Let's boil out all of the impurities until we are left with the facts as we know them.  What we have is a white police officer enforcing the law against a black law breaker.  The contact escalated into a deadly force situation which left the black man dead.  That's about  all we really know.  But everyone wants to put  their own spin on things such that it meets their own self interests.

I hear that  the black man was unarmed with a gun.  O.K.  What's that got  to do  with it?  Since when are police only allowed to use deadly force against armed assailants.  The fact is that anyone who is living and breathing can pose a deadly threat if they so choose to, armed or not.  Each situation must be judged on its own merits and not on preconceived notions or beliefs.

Both men bled red that night.  The color of their skin is irrelevant.  Let's let our justice system work and wait until the truth is revealed before we rush to judgement.  What's troubling  is  that  there are people on both sides of the issue that  have already rendered judgement, and if the grand jury decision goes against what they believe, there will be civil unrest.  It's a lose lose  situation for  those who try to promote justice.

It is prophetic that in the end times good will be viewed as evil and evil accepted as good.  That is what is happening today.  Everything from gay marriage to organized crime is deemed "good" while truth and justice is seen as "bad".  Our forefathers would role over in their graves if they knew what was happening  in the country they fought and died for.

So  hang on Ferguson, you are about to go through  another  round of violent protests because irregardless of the grand jury decision it will be deemed as bad.  It is shameful and disgraceful that  we, the people of the United States of America, sit idly while the principles upon which our great nation was founded upon get ripped to shreds.  


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