Saturday, January 14, 2023


 Deep State    

What is the "deep state"?  To me it is the forces which are layered beneath our elected officials to steer an agenda.  An agenda which has often been crafted and guided for years, swallowing up elected leaders as they come and go.  I would bet to say many of our elected politicians started out in public service with good intentions but could not resist the influence of those elitists who drive the agenda.  Once compromised the deep state owns their prey, and can control them like putty in the hand.  

The deep state exists at all levels of government, from the smallest local systems to the federal powers.  They seek to lure the population under their purview into a sense of trust and esteem.  Once you're captured under their spell, they proceed to act in accordance with their agenda, not your interests.  You, however, being of good character want to believe them at their word, because that's how you are wired.  You think that they have your back, and care about you.  After all, they constantly push narratives which focus on protecting you from all kinds of evil out there.  In reality, they are the evil which seeks to destroy you for their gain.  You could fall off the face of the earth and they wouldn't bat an eye.  Oh, publicly they will, but their hearts are stone and they just don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.  

It's difficult for good people to understand that fellow countrymen and women would be so callous and self serving.  So you give them many chances, they insist their indiscretion was a mistake, or an isolated case of lapse of judgement.  After all, none of us are perfect, we all make mistakes.  We buy into this and they continue to pillage our communities.  All by design.

Had I not taken a career path which would put me directly in the hot zone I may never have figured this out on my own.  I have personally experienced, though, the darkness of the deep state and their nefarious ways.  We tend to think of good and evil as black and white.  There are the good guys, who we assume to be our leaders, our public servants and the like.  Of course identifying the bad guys is easy, those nasty characters who dress like gangsters and ride around in their tricked out cars.  They act tough and macho, street smart and obvious, like a street corner prostitute.  Easily spotted, easily judged.  

Folks I'm here to tell you that I have found in my 26 plus year career that I am more comfortable sitting in front of a hard core drug dealer than a mealy mouthed figure of prominence.  I have more faith in a gang banger keeping it real than the person who has an agenda to fundamentally steer the way I think.  I have been straight up lied to by judges, lawyers, high ranking police officials, at all levels, local, state and federal.  I expect a gang banger to start out with lies, I used to expect the professionals to be honest, the first time every time.  But now I know, they are the sleaziest of them all, and I usually take what they say, turn it upside down, and somewhere find a sliver of truth in a plank of deception.  

Our country is being destroyed before our eyes.  The rank and file are being villainized, while the pillars of our community are laughing all the way to the bank.  The hypocrisy is mind boggling.  There is absolutely zero justice in the so called justice system.  We need a fundamental change alright, and it should begin by cutting off the head of the snake.  But how do we do this?

Begin with prayer.  It is more powerful than any monster, I can attest to that.  If all the good folks of our nation would offer up daily prayers for the eradication of the evil deep state we would see a change.  Pray for the vision and wisdom to understand what God is calling you to do in this silent war.  We all have a mission, one or two people won't get the job done, we must work together using the gifts our Heavenly Father gave us to fight evil.  We could be an undefeatable army of prayer warriors if we followed through.  

The next step, act.  Once you discern the plan God has for you set it in motion.  If we were all to do this we would operate like a well oiled machine.  God is in charge, but He is counting on us as his instruments to carry out the good works and deeds.  Be not afraid, fear no one but The Lord Himself.  Trust in Him.  Do not let your ears be tickled by the deep state, be aware, be smart, be vigilant.  Delay no more, our time is upon us, we must take action.  If we don't, well, the outcome for our kids and grandkids will be devastating.  Fight like you mean it, for your loved ones.  Together we can overcome, conquer and destroy the deep state.  We are the majority.  They try to make you think you are in the minority and out of touch.  Get back to your roots, read the bible, our lessons are right their in those pages.  

Technology doesn't make us smarter than our previous generations, it actually makes us dumber.  Get back to the basics, and, as I said, begin with prayer.  May God bless the righteous of America.         

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Corruption Exposed

The above is a partial copy of an actual sentencing hearing transcript in Vermilion County Illinois.  The words are those of Judge Craig DeArmond.  I posted these to illustrate what those of us who stand for what is right and just are up against in that county. 

Some of my previous posts offer a taste of what I faced when I tried to do my job, do what was right, do what I swore under oath I would do.  The reality is, in Vermilion County, if you try to uphold your oath of office and, in doing so, you expose the untouchables, horrible things will happen to you.  The dirty little secrets I mentioned in a previous post are touched on in the transcript.  I will go a step further than the judge did and mention Frank's full name and office.  His name is Frank Young and he was the State's Attorney of Vermilion County.

He is just one of many who hold, or have held, powerful positions who have abused their power.  Those who don't fall in line with their agenda will be trampled underfoot.  When I was dangerously close to fully exposing members of their circle they tried to silence me.  When I refused to play their game they tried to destroy my career and my credibility.  My reputation took a hit but I'm still here.  And I won't be silenced.

Another they tried to silence was Denny Davis, my dear friend and mentor.  They've tried to tarnish his credibility and reputation as well.  Most would tuck their tails and acquiesce.  We're not made that way.  So if you want to know the truth, stay with us.  Everything we say is backed up with supporting evidence.  I won't throw out numbers and statistics, or names and places without solid proof to back it up.  Arthur Greenwell's blog at, concerning the corruption in Vermilion County, did not do this.  We will.  Nor will we hide behind an alias. 

The untouchables use fear and intimidation, as do the gangs, to get what they want.  My message to the reader is, if you have the fortitude to be part of the solution then do so.  Otherwise you're part of the problem.  Regardless of excuses, ranging from fear to ignorance to complicity, you are still part of the problem.  Yes, that includes you Danville and Vermilion County officers.  Going along with their program makes you complicit. 

So decide today which side of the fence you're going to be on, and straddling it makes you nothing more than a coward.             

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Real Fix to the Southern Border Crisis

The southern border to our great nation has been the topic of much political rhetoric over the past several years.  Since 9/11 it has certainly been a focal point for those seeking to secure our nation from further attack.  Despite much talk about how to seal this border there has been little action.

Something I find interesting is that you never hear talk about the northern border.  Why is that?  There are no fences or walls in place there yet you don't hear about the same troubles our southern border faces.  So let's break this down and expose some truths which may help solve the southern border crisis. 

Mexico is a nation plagued by gang violence.  The cartels have infiltrated every corner of the Mexican government.  Fear and intimidation rule the lives of many who seek to escape the horrors of the atrocities occurring there.  The impetus of these gangs is the billions of dollars to be made through the sale and trafficking of illicit drugs. 

There are many good Mexican people who are fleeing their country to escape death and persecution at the hands of the gangs.  Mexico is a pipeline through which drugs are transported on their way to our country.  The gangs control the drug routes and the territories surrounding them.  They also control the will of the Mexican government due to many at various levels having been corrupted.  As such, Mexico has not been effective at stopping the trafficking and violence associated with the workings of the gangs. 

There is no wall or fence that will prevent the illegal entry to our country by desperate people.  It may slow them down but it certainly won't stop them.  The cost of building such a barrier will be astronomical while the effectiveness remains uncertain.  The drugs and the people will continue to flow here whether it be by air, land or sea.

So what should we do?  Opening our border is not a solution nor is adding additional manpower to guard it from trespassers.  But I am a firm believer that where there is a will there is a way.  The way to achieving border security is through the dismantling and destruction of the gangs in Mexico.  By eliminating the persecutors and helping to build a corrupt free government we will prevent millions from even wanting to leave their country. 

The United States is quick to take military assets abroad to defeat enemies of us and our allies.  Why does our country not share the same mindset with our southern neighbor?  When is the last time we heard of a drone strike in Mexico targeting cartel leaders and members?  Yet we frequently hear of drone strikes in far away places like Iraq and Afghanistan targeting terrorists from those lands.

We face a greater security threat from the gangs in Mexico than we do of those in Pakistan.  My response to the southern border crisis would be military action targeting the gangs and cartels who are currently controlling the flow in the political arena there.  We need to help the desperate and good people of Mexico who long to live there free of persecution and fear of a horrible death from the thugs, also known as terrorists.  Many Mexicans who are now entering our country illegally would stop doing so if they could live a peaceful and fear-free life in their own country.

To qualify my knowledge on the subject matter I will share an experience.  A few years ago a Mexican family was being targeted by a well known gang.  This gang, in fact, had already murdered and persecuted members of this family.  A woman with her children were seeking protection from further harm so they tried fleeing to this country.  Attempts were made, by the way, of the Mexican family to seek protection from their own local, state and federal law enforcement agencies but to no avail.  In fact such efforts almost got them killed because of the corruption within these systems. 

This woman tried to enter our country legally but couldn't.  So she took a flight using a gift of money from some generous Americans to Chicago.  Upon arriving at O'Hare Airport she was truthful with the customs agents and explained her situation.  Their response was to put her on a plane and fly her and her children back to the war-torn nation.  So she requested asylum at which point they locked her up in an American jail for months.  Her children were released to lawful residing relatives in Illinois.  While her asylum case crawled through the process she was eventually released from the jail and ordered to home detention with a relative while being monitored with an ankle bracelet.  Being separated from her children and husband (he remained in Mexico but in hiding from the cartel) took its toll.  She decided to risk her life back in Mexico to be with her family so she took her children and went home. 

I have not since heard from this family and don't know if they are still alive.  But the response of the U.S. government was an utter failure.  Why do we not have the same passion for the protection of the Mexican people as we do for the Iraqi's, etc?  Or for that matter, the American people?  The gangs causing death and violence in our country are just across the line so why are we not taking the same approach as we do with those in the middle east?  Politics my friends.

Of course consideration must be given to potential consequences of engaging the cartels on their soil.  Many will say it would damage relations with the Mexican government.  My response is that the government there is already corrupt.  If we were to remove the threat of harm and fear the cartels instill on the people, those of integrity who would otherwise seek public office would come out of hiding. 

Others may say that waging a real war on the gangs and cartels would cause a refugee crisis which could further threaten the security of our country.  In the short term we could face such a challenge.  Building up military assets on the border would be necessary during such an operation.  But in the long term the benefits of ridding Mexico of their home grown terrorists would outweigh the short term problems associated with military action. 

Still some may say that we would have to maintain a military presence in Mexico after such an operation to prevent a power vacuum.  This is probably true and if need be why not?  We maintain a military presence in many countries around the world.  Why wouldn't we want to deploy assets to our neighbor to aid in the security of their country and ours.    

Our call should be for the United States to wage war on the cartels and their gangs using military assets to the extent that these gangs can be wiped out.  This means going into Mexico and taking care of business.  By doing this we will remove the fear millions of Mexicans are living under and remove their desire to flee to a nation where they feel safe.  They would stay home if they felt secure there.

A lone blog will change nothing.  But the cries of the Mexican people need to be reverberated through the voices of the American voters so that real solutions will be applied to the situation.  If we all stand up to the challenge effective changes can be made which will achieve the desired results.   





Friday, June 19, 2015

Beat Cop

Let's face it.  Being a beat cop is no easy task.  They deal with a wide range of problems involving people of different races, different cultures, different religions, etc.  This occurs on a daily basis and the overwhelming majority of these situations are handled properly.  Most of us have no idea at the number of confrontations the men and women in blue encounter while we go about our daily lives.  And, I might add, we do so without giving a thought about those out there keeping watch and ensuring us this freedom. 

But then occasionally you'll have a situation which gets the attention of the press.  And then suddenly these warriors who we seem to take for granted get thrust into the spotlight and their alleged flaws become headlines for all of us to read.  Many believe the initial reports without bothering to look at all the facts of a case and condemn the accused officer.  Like a tidal wave picking up steam the criticism expands beyond that of the accused and sweeps up law enforcement in general.  Before you know it we have a large portion of our nation's population identifying a problem that doesn't exist.  After this come the solutions from all of the armchair quarterbacks. 

The situations which get the attention of the press are usually those involving a white officer and a black suspect.  An enforcement encounter which results in the use of force higher than those levels at the bottom of the continuum invoke cries of racism on the part of the officer.  Never mind the actions of the suspect which forced the officer to increase the level of force they needed to exercise their duties.  It's always the cops that get blamed.  This blame can and often does spread to engulf an entire agency without merit. 

As a retired officer I can speak on this subject validly.  I had dealt with these issues back in the 90's at Danville, Il.  As an example I will relate an encounter a very fine white officer had with a black man.  What could have and should have been a brief stop escalated to a level where the officer had to use force in effecting an arrest.  A lack of cooperation on the part of the detainee escalated the situation.  It wasn't the officer's fault, he was doing his job.  But the black community went into an uproar over the officer's use of force and the next thing we had was a police force being accused of being racist.  The political kneejerk reaction was to mandate all officers to undergo racial diversity training. 

So we had a bunch of officers being accused of racial insensitivity without just cause.  And the politicians threw money at the problem as a solution.  Just to appease so they could retain office.  The appointed heads of the department went right along with the game because if they didn't they would get fired.  It was a joke to the cops because we knew who we were and what we stood for.  Racism was not part of our repertoire. 

All of this happened before the case which caused the uproar ever was adjudicated.  In the end the black man was found to be responsible but that didn't matter.  What mattered was lying to the public and appeasing the black community to gain votes for the miserable politicians.

Please read my blog "Political Correctness Buries Truth", it will explain how and why this happens. 

I get tired of hearing about the unbalance in the number of white's vs. the number of black's who get incarcerated.  Well folks, whose fault is that?  I'm here to tell you that it is certainly not a police problem as many want you to believe.  It is a social problem with that segment of our population.  Until the black community addresses the problem in a real and truthful way the problem will never get solved.  They need to accept accountability then take action to turn the tide.  It's easy to sit on the sidelines and point fingers at the cops.  It's a little more difficult to take a good hard look at yourselves and admit that just maybe you are part of the problem. 

To be completely fair I must lay some accountability for the dysfunction in some communities on law enforcement.  It has been my experience that most officers do not try to cultivate relations with their communities.  A lack of a partnership leads to mistrust which is certainly understandable.  Without trust it is impossible to develop relations, therefore the divide between the community and the police is never bridged.  Law enforcement must take the initiative in building this bridge as they should be looked upon as leaders and professionals. 

Finally I want to pay respects to some very fine black men and women I had the privilege to work alongside during my 26 year career.  They are role models we can all look up to and learn from.  I will not name them all but I would like to recognize a man with a great success story.  His name is Carl Alexander and he worked the streets of Washington D.C. before returning home to Danville, Il and accepting the Chief of Police position.  And an outstanding chief he was.  One of the best leaders I've ever worked for.  Opportunity is there for all of us but it is up to us to go get it.  We cannot sit back and wait for it to come to us. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Letting the Fox in the Henhouse

Anyone who still doubts that Obama is promoting Islam should carefully study his latest policy proposal which will allow millions of Syrian's to enter our country.  As we know, Syria is the base of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).  Their goal is to destroy civilization as we know it and declare a worldwide caliphate.  Now this may seem like an unrealistic ambition for the treacherous organization but Obama's policies are facilitating them in their endeavor which causes me great concern.

Obama has been very clear that he will not wage war against the Islamic extremists.  He does make it clear, however, that he will counter "extremism" with force if necessary.  I have a very hard time with this because what exactly does he mean?  An extremist has to have something to be extreme about.  What, then, is Obama referring to when he cites extremism?  Could it be Christian extremism, Jewish extremism or American extremism?  It certainly isn't Islamic extremism. 

A vast majority of Syrian's are Muslims.  Sunni Islam sets the religious tone for Syria and provides the country's basic values.  I don't believe that most Syrian's are members of ISIS.  But ISIS has contaminated and saturated Syria such that it has formed a nation of peoples infiltrated with the brutal murderers.  ISIS members, no doubt, have an influence and an affect on the people they co-habitate with.  ISIS members proclaim to embrace Islam and interpret the Koran in the strictest sense.  Their motivation for slaughtering people is to rid the world of the "infidels", those who do not follow the tenets of their faith.  They rule by fear and intimidation. 

We have seen how many American citizens as well as citizens from other allied nations have been radicalized and converted to the faith which ISIS follows.  These are people who live in the free world and are afforded all of the opportunities such nations provide.  Just imagine how many more Syrian people are being radicalized when living with and among the butchers'. 

The U.S. claims that it will have a very strict vetting process which will supposedly eliminate the possibility of ISIS fighters entering our country.  Let's assume for an instance that this were true.  While this may prevent current ISIS fighters from entering our country it would not prevent people who have been indoctrinated and radicalized from entering.  ISIS sympathizers could begin streaming across our borders with our consent.  That's like letting the fox in the henhouse.  It's reckless and it is inviting tragedy. 

Once sympathizers, or those inclined to become sympathizers, take residency here they will provide a network of safe havens for the fighters who will slip across our borders.  They will blend like they do in the middle east and identifying them will be increasingly difficult.  This is what ISIS wants more than anything, to wreak havoc on U.S. soil. 

In the long term we have to look at the demographic concerns.  The millions of refugees who will be allowed to inhabit our country will be birthing children.  These children will be brought up as Muslims.  Now, over time, our country could transform from a largely Christian population to an Islamic population.  Is that what we really want?  I don't think so. 

I'm all for humanitarian efforts to aid the refugees.  A better plan would be to work with the dozens of middle eastern partners Obama claims to have garnered support from and provide assistance for these countries to house the refugees.  By doing this we eliminate the threat of allowing Islamic terrorists onto our soil and we keep the refugees in their indigenous region. 

We must voice our opposition to Obama's proposal by contacting our senators and representatives.  Please do not delay.  Once this policy is put into practice it could just be the beginning of the end of life as we know it and our children will be the ones to suffer most.    



Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

If there was a word in the English language that could describe how I feel about the atrocities being committed against innocent human beings around the world I would use it.  The closest word that comes to mind is "outrageous".  But really this word comes no where close to measuring my emotions. 

I have to believe that a majority of God fearing red blooded Americans feel the same way.  How could anyone with a soul and a conscience not?  The problem ladies and gentlemen is that the person who could do more than anyone to prevent the slaughter is the president of the United States.  He is the commander in chief of the armed forces of the most powerful nation in the world.  With the stroke of a pen he could send legions of heroes in to rescue the innocent from the hand of evil.  But he won't, because he is part of the problem and not part of the solution. 

When your golf game is more important than the brutal murders being committed against good people you have a problem, or at least a majority of American's this president is supposed to represent believe it's a problem.  But Obama's values are different than ours, his principles are different, indeed his belief's are different. 

Our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian values.  Our forefathers, the men who shed much blood to provide us with this great nation under these principles, did not intend for their heirs to sit idly while innocents, regardless of their geographical location, were ruthlessly slaughtered at the hands of an enemy which threatens our way of life.  And our God expects us to defend His name and His people in the face of evil. 

So what gives?  Why does the supposed leader of the free world continue to minimize the threat and refuse to act?  Do we not have a moral obligation to protect the vulnerable, the weak and the human right to life?  To me the answer is quite clear.  Barack Hussein Obama is a follower of Islam and sympathizes with their cause, including the cause of the radical Islamic extremists. 

Obama has the audacity to lecture Christians about the Crusades, something he obviously knows little about.  The Crusades were a Christian response to Muslim aggression, 1000 years ago, and the Muslim aggression continues to this day. 

This Obama needs to be removed from office for dereliction of duty.  He fooled many and lied his way to the presidency.  Now that creature beneath the wool is being seen for what he is-a wolf among sheep.  He is leading the sheep to slaughter and it's time we stood up and stopped him from further harm. 

Indeed, it is our duty as Americans to see to it that the president of our country represents us in a way which epitomizes our values.  Obama has not done that.  So we need to dismiss him from office.  We cannot and must not allow this wolf in the white house to continue to look the other way in the face of evil.  The existence of those who stand for what is right and just is at stake.  For the sake of the future of the world it's time for all good people to call for his immediate resignation.  He is obviously conflicted with this Holy war because his interests clash with those of most Americans.  So America, in the words of Todd Beamer, "let's roll".      





Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Case Exposed

Radical Islamic Extremism has existed for decades in various nations around the globe.  Certainly since 9/11 it has become the focal point of American security at home and abroad.  We generally relate Islamic terrorists with foreigners in far away lands.  Seldom do we consider the tens of thousands of urban terrorists right here in our nation.  They have plagued our streets in both city and rural communities.  They have decimated neighborhoods by way of their criminal enterprises and violent behaviors.  And many of these urban terrorists, also known as criminal street gang members, are following the religious aspects of their respective organizations. 

I experienced radical Islamic extremism by way of criminal street gangs during my career as a law enforcement officer.  As an example I will relate a case I investigated in Danville, Il in 2007.  The Danville branch of the Black P Stones, which evolved into the Masjid Al Ka'bah, conspired with other street gangs to murder Danville Police Officers.  This branch of the Masjid Al Ka'bah operated under Proclamation One.     

Once law enforcement became aware of the hits an intense but short lived campaign to disrupt the plans of the gangs commenced.  Weapons, drugs and other contraband were recovered during this shake up but no one was brought to justice for the solicitation of murder for hire. 

Myself along with other members of my unit set out to bring those responsible for the planned attacks to justice.  We engaged in an intense intelligence gathering campaign.  Our efforts were fruitful and much information was obtained which corroborated the initial allegations.  Despite this, however, the brass at the Danville Police Department refused to acknowledge that the threats on the officers were real.  Upper command officers could not wrap their minds around the fact that heinous acts such as murdering police officers could actually be carried out in Danville, by street gangs.

My team and I along with my gang trainer and mentor went to work building the case.  Suspects were developed and, it just so happened, that one of the primary conspirators was also suspected of committing a triple homicide in Danville.  And he was a member of the Masjid Al Ka'bah.

This is when things really started to get messy.  I took the case to our State's Attorney and he, along with his first assistant, were not interested in prosecuting gangsters on "just a conspiracy".  When I contacted the Attorney General I was told by my boss' that I could not contact another prosecuting authority without permission from the top brass, the same guys that were in denial that gangs existed in Danville.  And, yes, they refused to give me permission to work with the A.G. 

I tried to get the feds to take the case but my boss' worked against me in this endeavor.  They minimized the seriousness of the threats and tried to discredit our intel.  Of course the feds lend more credence to those wearing the bling.  So our case stalled and no one was ever brought to justice under our nation or state's justice system.

Ironically the general for the Danville branch of the Masjid Al Ka'bah turned up dead in Chicago.  Others named as accomplices in the deadly plot scattered and violence targeting suspected informants ensued.

The Danville case illustrates why street gangs can accurately be termed urban terrorists.  But if the Danville case is not convincing enough one need look only as far back as the 1980's.  It was then that the founder of the Masjid Al Ka'bah, an American citizen, conspired with Moammar Gadhafi to commit terrorists acts in the United States.  That founder was indicted and convicted on federal charges related to this conspiracy and he was sentenced to 80 years.

For the skeptics and naïve who believe that America is safe from the atrocities being committed in far away places I'm here to tell you that we're not.  Terrorists are within our borders by the multitudes and are committing violent acts every day.  Ignoring the problem will only embolden the terrorists.  It is time to get real, acknowledge that the problem exists, then provide the resources needed to disrupt and destroy these evil organizations.