Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

If there was a word in the English language that could describe how I feel about the atrocities being committed against innocent human beings around the world I would use it.  The closest word that comes to mind is "outrageous".  But really this word comes no where close to measuring my emotions. 

I have to believe that a majority of God fearing red blooded Americans feel the same way.  How could anyone with a soul and a conscience not?  The problem ladies and gentlemen is that the person who could do more than anyone to prevent the slaughter is the president of the United States.  He is the commander in chief of the armed forces of the most powerful nation in the world.  With the stroke of a pen he could send legions of heroes in to rescue the innocent from the hand of evil.  But he won't, because he is part of the problem and not part of the solution. 

When your golf game is more important than the brutal murders being committed against good people you have a problem, or at least a majority of American's this president is supposed to represent believe it's a problem.  But Obama's values are different than ours, his principles are different, indeed his belief's are different. 

Our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian values.  Our forefathers, the men who shed much blood to provide us with this great nation under these principles, did not intend for their heirs to sit idly while innocents, regardless of their geographical location, were ruthlessly slaughtered at the hands of an enemy which threatens our way of life.  And our God expects us to defend His name and His people in the face of evil. 

So what gives?  Why does the supposed leader of the free world continue to minimize the threat and refuse to act?  Do we not have a moral obligation to protect the vulnerable, the weak and the human right to life?  To me the answer is quite clear.  Barack Hussein Obama is a follower of Islam and sympathizes with their cause, including the cause of the radical Islamic extremists. 

Obama has the audacity to lecture Christians about the Crusades, something he obviously knows little about.  The Crusades were a Christian response to Muslim aggression, 1000 years ago, and the Muslim aggression continues to this day. 

This Obama needs to be removed from office for dereliction of duty.  He fooled many and lied his way to the presidency.  Now that creature beneath the wool is being seen for what he is-a wolf among sheep.  He is leading the sheep to slaughter and it's time we stood up and stopped him from further harm. 

Indeed, it is our duty as Americans to see to it that the president of our country represents us in a way which epitomizes our values.  Obama has not done that.  So we need to dismiss him from office.  We cannot and must not allow this wolf in the white house to continue to look the other way in the face of evil.  The existence of those who stand for what is right and just is at stake.  For the sake of the future of the world it's time for all good people to call for his immediate resignation.  He is obviously conflicted with this Holy war because his interests clash with those of most Americans.  So America, in the words of Todd Beamer, "let's roll".      





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