Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hypocrisy NFL Style

The National Football League claims to be all about anti-violent platforms.  Just take a look at the way they have admirably come out against crimes like domestic violence and child abuse.  Indeed, there is no room in our society for perpetrators of such heinous acts.  It is good that the NFL uses their stage to promote what is right and just.  Their influence and message can reach millions.

There is just one problem.  In the wake of a grand jury decision which exonerated a Ferguson police officer from alleged brutality there has been a wave of violence sweeping certain communities, including St. Louis.  One would  think that the NFL would be consistent with their anti violent campaign and come out against the violent protesters and try to bring calm to their communities.  That didn't happen.  In  fact, in St. Louis on  Sunday, certain Rams players did just the opposite by their inflammatory gestures which certainly added fuel to the flames.  And the NFL is standing behind their prima donna athletes' "right to free speech".

Well, NFL, I got news for you.  Ya can't  have it both ways.  Either you promote peace or you don't.  Their is a fine line between exercising a constitutional right and inciting violence.  When the former causes the latter  then it's gone too far.  And I really don't need to tell you something you already know.  But the question remains as to why you won't condemn such conduct when it obviously will stir further upheaval.

Oh, I think I know why, is it because of  the almighty dollar?  Bingo.  We certainly don't want to alienate the fan base of thugs and looters out there because, of course, they are big supporters of the NFL.  I mean, look at their gear.  From their hats to their shoes.  So let's not promote the right message, lets promote the most lucrative message.

I get it NFL.  I'm not blind to what all this is about.  If you really mean what you say then you would respect the system and stand behind an exonerated officer who was forced by a thug to use deadly force to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself.  But you're thumbing your nose at the outcome because a multitude of your fan base is, and you're going right  along  with it.  

Money, the root of all evil.  Now I clearly understand the motivation behind all of your messages.  It's not what you may really believe is right, it's about what will have the biggest  impact  to  your wallet.  It is disgraceful if I should say so myself.

For the record I want to say that my support is firmly with the men and women who risk their lives everyday and night to protect all of our rights and freedoms.  They are who I applaud and cheer for.  And I thank God for them.  Without them there would be no NFL to entertain us.          

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