Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Squeaky Wheels Get Greased

Now NBA players are doing it, expressing their views on racially motivated issues which have been created by haters.  The recent grand jury decisions which have cleared police officers of criminal misconduct in use of force cases which have resulted in deaths has stirred a wave of violent protests across the country.   And professional  athletes have gotten  involved  to promote an agenda which supports the protesters'.

The truth of the matter is that the deaths have not been racially motivated and the cries of racism we hear  from the haters is a fallacy.  While they apparently lack the understanding of the reason police had to use force the haters clearly understand that in our society squeaky wheels get greased.  Make enough noise and you will be appeased irregardless if you are right or wrong.

Hard working, honest Americans of all colors are generally not racist.  Sure, there are hate groups across the racial spectrum but they only represent a fraction of our population.  As a 26 year law enforcement veteran I can tell you that there is no deep seeded racial bias in the law enforcement  community, although that is what the haters want Americans to believe.

The problem has nothing to do with race and everything to do  with accountability.  There is a segment of our population which refuses to accept  responsibility for their actions, or  inactions, and wants to place blame elsewhere.  So they shift the focus away from reality and create a political hot button topic like racism to  get what they want.

I've had personal  experiences as a cop with such situations.  You can do everything by  the book but still get lambasted by the haters.  And usually it's because they want something for free.  It could be a get-out-of -jail-free card, a big pay day at the hand of a lawsuit, more government handouts or an atmosphere which discourages lawful scrutiny of their unlawful conduct.

So why are these haters being listened to and given  the time of day?  Even Barrack Obama has found time in  his busy schedule to address their "concerns".  It's all a bunch of garbage but alot of these haters are also voters so they get greased when they squeak.  Politics as usual.

I pray that in future elections we vote in people who have the guts to keep it real and talk straight.  People who will discard the squeaky wheel instead of greasing it and replace it with one that is sound in it's performance without all  the noise.  Because that's what all this rhetoric about racism is, just regressive noise.




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