Monday, February 23, 2015

Letting the Fox in the Henhouse

Anyone who still doubts that Obama is promoting Islam should carefully study his latest policy proposal which will allow millions of Syrian's to enter our country.  As we know, Syria is the base of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).  Their goal is to destroy civilization as we know it and declare a worldwide caliphate.  Now this may seem like an unrealistic ambition for the treacherous organization but Obama's policies are facilitating them in their endeavor which causes me great concern.

Obama has been very clear that he will not wage war against the Islamic extremists.  He does make it clear, however, that he will counter "extremism" with force if necessary.  I have a very hard time with this because what exactly does he mean?  An extremist has to have something to be extreme about.  What, then, is Obama referring to when he cites extremism?  Could it be Christian extremism, Jewish extremism or American extremism?  It certainly isn't Islamic extremism. 

A vast majority of Syrian's are Muslims.  Sunni Islam sets the religious tone for Syria and provides the country's basic values.  I don't believe that most Syrian's are members of ISIS.  But ISIS has contaminated and saturated Syria such that it has formed a nation of peoples infiltrated with the brutal murderers.  ISIS members, no doubt, have an influence and an affect on the people they co-habitate with.  ISIS members proclaim to embrace Islam and interpret the Koran in the strictest sense.  Their motivation for slaughtering people is to rid the world of the "infidels", those who do not follow the tenets of their faith.  They rule by fear and intimidation. 

We have seen how many American citizens as well as citizens from other allied nations have been radicalized and converted to the faith which ISIS follows.  These are people who live in the free world and are afforded all of the opportunities such nations provide.  Just imagine how many more Syrian people are being radicalized when living with and among the butchers'. 

The U.S. claims that it will have a very strict vetting process which will supposedly eliminate the possibility of ISIS fighters entering our country.  Let's assume for an instance that this were true.  While this may prevent current ISIS fighters from entering our country it would not prevent people who have been indoctrinated and radicalized from entering.  ISIS sympathizers could begin streaming across our borders with our consent.  That's like letting the fox in the henhouse.  It's reckless and it is inviting tragedy. 

Once sympathizers, or those inclined to become sympathizers, take residency here they will provide a network of safe havens for the fighters who will slip across our borders.  They will blend like they do in the middle east and identifying them will be increasingly difficult.  This is what ISIS wants more than anything, to wreak havoc on U.S. soil. 

In the long term we have to look at the demographic concerns.  The millions of refugees who will be allowed to inhabit our country will be birthing children.  These children will be brought up as Muslims.  Now, over time, our country could transform from a largely Christian population to an Islamic population.  Is that what we really want?  I don't think so. 

I'm all for humanitarian efforts to aid the refugees.  A better plan would be to work with the dozens of middle eastern partners Obama claims to have garnered support from and provide assistance for these countries to house the refugees.  By doing this we eliminate the threat of allowing Islamic terrorists onto our soil and we keep the refugees in their indigenous region. 

We must voice our opposition to Obama's proposal by contacting our senators and representatives.  Please do not delay.  Once this policy is put into practice it could just be the beginning of the end of life as we know it and our children will be the ones to suffer most.    



Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

If there was a word in the English language that could describe how I feel about the atrocities being committed against innocent human beings around the world I would use it.  The closest word that comes to mind is "outrageous".  But really this word comes no where close to measuring my emotions. 

I have to believe that a majority of God fearing red blooded Americans feel the same way.  How could anyone with a soul and a conscience not?  The problem ladies and gentlemen is that the person who could do more than anyone to prevent the slaughter is the president of the United States.  He is the commander in chief of the armed forces of the most powerful nation in the world.  With the stroke of a pen he could send legions of heroes in to rescue the innocent from the hand of evil.  But he won't, because he is part of the problem and not part of the solution. 

When your golf game is more important than the brutal murders being committed against good people you have a problem, or at least a majority of American's this president is supposed to represent believe it's a problem.  But Obama's values are different than ours, his principles are different, indeed his belief's are different. 

Our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian values.  Our forefathers, the men who shed much blood to provide us with this great nation under these principles, did not intend for their heirs to sit idly while innocents, regardless of their geographical location, were ruthlessly slaughtered at the hands of an enemy which threatens our way of life.  And our God expects us to defend His name and His people in the face of evil. 

So what gives?  Why does the supposed leader of the free world continue to minimize the threat and refuse to act?  Do we not have a moral obligation to protect the vulnerable, the weak and the human right to life?  To me the answer is quite clear.  Barack Hussein Obama is a follower of Islam and sympathizes with their cause, including the cause of the radical Islamic extremists. 

Obama has the audacity to lecture Christians about the Crusades, something he obviously knows little about.  The Crusades were a Christian response to Muslim aggression, 1000 years ago, and the Muslim aggression continues to this day. 

This Obama needs to be removed from office for dereliction of duty.  He fooled many and lied his way to the presidency.  Now that creature beneath the wool is being seen for what he is-a wolf among sheep.  He is leading the sheep to slaughter and it's time we stood up and stopped him from further harm. 

Indeed, it is our duty as Americans to see to it that the president of our country represents us in a way which epitomizes our values.  Obama has not done that.  So we need to dismiss him from office.  We cannot and must not allow this wolf in the white house to continue to look the other way in the face of evil.  The existence of those who stand for what is right and just is at stake.  For the sake of the future of the world it's time for all good people to call for his immediate resignation.  He is obviously conflicted with this Holy war because his interests clash with those of most Americans.  So America, in the words of Todd Beamer, "let's roll".      





Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Case Exposed

Radical Islamic Extremism has existed for decades in various nations around the globe.  Certainly since 9/11 it has become the focal point of American security at home and abroad.  We generally relate Islamic terrorists with foreigners in far away lands.  Seldom do we consider the tens of thousands of urban terrorists right here in our nation.  They have plagued our streets in both city and rural communities.  They have decimated neighborhoods by way of their criminal enterprises and violent behaviors.  And many of these urban terrorists, also known as criminal street gang members, are following the religious aspects of their respective organizations. 

I experienced radical Islamic extremism by way of criminal street gangs during my career as a law enforcement officer.  As an example I will relate a case I investigated in Danville, Il in 2007.  The Danville branch of the Black P Stones, which evolved into the Masjid Al Ka'bah, conspired with other street gangs to murder Danville Police Officers.  This branch of the Masjid Al Ka'bah operated under Proclamation One.     

Once law enforcement became aware of the hits an intense but short lived campaign to disrupt the plans of the gangs commenced.  Weapons, drugs and other contraband were recovered during this shake up but no one was brought to justice for the solicitation of murder for hire. 

Myself along with other members of my unit set out to bring those responsible for the planned attacks to justice.  We engaged in an intense intelligence gathering campaign.  Our efforts were fruitful and much information was obtained which corroborated the initial allegations.  Despite this, however, the brass at the Danville Police Department refused to acknowledge that the threats on the officers were real.  Upper command officers could not wrap their minds around the fact that heinous acts such as murdering police officers could actually be carried out in Danville, by street gangs.

My team and I along with my gang trainer and mentor went to work building the case.  Suspects were developed and, it just so happened, that one of the primary conspirators was also suspected of committing a triple homicide in Danville.  And he was a member of the Masjid Al Ka'bah.

This is when things really started to get messy.  I took the case to our State's Attorney and he, along with his first assistant, were not interested in prosecuting gangsters on "just a conspiracy".  When I contacted the Attorney General I was told by my boss' that I could not contact another prosecuting authority without permission from the top brass, the same guys that were in denial that gangs existed in Danville.  And, yes, they refused to give me permission to work with the A.G. 

I tried to get the feds to take the case but my boss' worked against me in this endeavor.  They minimized the seriousness of the threats and tried to discredit our intel.  Of course the feds lend more credence to those wearing the bling.  So our case stalled and no one was ever brought to justice under our nation or state's justice system.

Ironically the general for the Danville branch of the Masjid Al Ka'bah turned up dead in Chicago.  Others named as accomplices in the deadly plot scattered and violence targeting suspected informants ensued.

The Danville case illustrates why street gangs can accurately be termed urban terrorists.  But if the Danville case is not convincing enough one need look only as far back as the 1980's.  It was then that the founder of the Masjid Al Ka'bah, an American citizen, conspired with Moammar Gadhafi to commit terrorists acts in the United States.  That founder was indicted and convicted on federal charges related to this conspiracy and he was sentenced to 80 years.

For the skeptics and naïve who believe that America is safe from the atrocities being committed in far away places I'm here to tell you that we're not.  Terrorists are within our borders by the multitudes and are committing violent acts every day.  Ignoring the problem will only embolden the terrorists.  It is time to get real, acknowledge that the problem exists, then provide the resources needed to disrupt and destroy these evil organizations.