Monday, October 27, 2014

Integrity Matters

These days integrity often seems to be missing in action.  We want to apply it to our leaders yet when we keep it real we must admit that many don't have it.  We wish they did, we desire that they did.  The truth of  the matter is that this trait, which is essential to the problem solver, is often absent.  Herein lies a problem.

In order to confront and degrade criminal organizations we must have men and women who are unconditionally forthright and honest, people of character who will not compromise their principles and values under any and all circumstances.  We must have people whose moral fiber is woven into their hearts.  Because it takes heart to confront a vicious adversary like criminal street gangs.

I discovered through my experiences at Danville P.D. that taking on gangs sometimes requires one to be able to do battle on two fronts.  Very simply put I had the streets to contend with and I had the "administration" to contend with.  The latter was the more challenging and tougher to deal with.  Working the streets came natural to me.  I felt a sense of comfort being out their because I knew my job and how to do it.  Dealing with incompetent and dishonest administrators is what confounded me.

Quite frankly I was perplexed at how certain members of the police department administration obtained and retained their positions.  I was, and still am, troubled by some of the elected and appointed officials in the criminal justice system who hold office.  Many aren't real and many lack integrity.  So how can they do the public justice?  They can't.

I tried like hell to overcome these obstacles and I did the best I could.  I continued the mission I set out to accomplish which was to protect and serve.  I was met with much resistance on the inside but my integrity carried me through it.

My message here is that to those who are being derailed by the same types of problems don't get discouraged.  Eventually the truth will surface and if you stay true to yourselves and to your principles you will be triumphant in the end.  Integrity always wins the race.

I want to say that not all justice systems are as lame as that in Vermilion County Illinois.  In fact, I'm confident a vast majority are not.  I've worked with and  for agencies who epitomize integrity.  And I am extremely proud to have served with them.  But there are agencies out there who don't make the grade and  it's up to you, the citizens of those communities, to turn things around.

Don't shy away from getting involved.  Demand answers and don't stop until you get the truth.  Fire those who are not serving the interests of the public.  Defeating public enemy number 1, criminal street gangs, takes the best and we need to put the best in the positions that can get the job done.

There are many fine men and women out there who have integrity.  Find them and hire them.  Then let them do their job.  Because when it comes to serving the public, anyone who doesn't have it will serve nothing but themselves.    

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