Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Political Correctness Buries Truth

It seems as though in our "sophisticated" society everyone is so concerned about being politically correct that we lose sight of the facts.  The facts which, when exposed, bare the truth of the matter.  The truth often hurts and many are so consumed with going out of their way to keep from offending someone that nothing gets done.  Because when we don't keep it real when we address a problem the problem will never get solved.

Let's face it, how many politicians, department administrators or others in "positions of power and authority" blow smoke by telling the general population that everything is fine and they have control of the situation.  They mislead people into a false sense of security.  As long as the people think their world within their little bubble is safe and prosperous nothing else really matters.  And the same lying politicians and the like retain their positions while problems rage and the unwitting march blindly into the trap.

Case in point:  After an arrest sweep of dozens of street level drug dealers in Danville, Il our police department held a press conference touting their success.  I was a supervisor of the investigative operation which led to the arrests.  I was mandated by my deputy director to attend the press conference.  I was directed by the boss to give an interview to a reporter.  I went on the record and said that we were cracking down on gang activity.  The deputy director was watching me being interviewed and after my comment he was repulsed.  He pulled me aside after the interview and admonished me for mentioning "gang activity".  He said we don't want the public to think we have gangs, it would project a negative image of our fair city.  

So let's hide the truth, pretend the problem is not out their, ignore it and maybe it will go away?  Not.  Until we openly and transparently identify the problem we will never come up with solutions to solve it.  What a monumental disservice our "leaders" are doing to us and our futures by handing the problem on to our children. This is irresponsible and just plain wrong.

Once again, and after having much training and experience under my belt since that admonishment, I will go on the record and say that gangs are a problem in our community and many others like it.  So now what?  I said it.  People will gasp in disbelief and accuse me of being crazy.  Don't laugh.  That's what my department did to me.  When my partners and I started cracking down on the gangs after being trained by Denny Davis they accused me of "chasing ghosts" despite the mounds of cases we made and intelligence we gathered.  They warned us to stop associating with Denny and advised our continuation to do so would be a "bad career decision".  So my partners heeded their warning but not me.  I live on truth and won't be bullied.  So they tried to fire me by accusing me of being nuts.  Oh, I know that's not the politically correct language but I don't give a damn about being politically correct.  I care about being forthright and honest. 

Across the nation we see protests and civil unrest, looting and marauding.  The perpetrators, of course, blame the cops.  I get it, shift the blame away from their own errant ways.  So the authorities set out to create a case which will appease the masses while those who are in the right get crucified.  Is this how we, the people of the greatest nation  in the world, solve problems?  It's a disgrace.

No mention of gang affiliation or activity, not even a breath of it.  For how dare we make such a baseless accusation, right?  Wrong.  The truth is that much of the underlying actions by the so called victim which results in police use of force is gang related activity, committed by gang members.  But we don't want to sully the phony baloney reputation of the "innocent youth" so we divert the focus away from reality.

Wake up America, if we are going to solve the gang problems infesting our nation from border to border we need to stop the nonsense and get real.  If we don't the curtain may fall on what once was the greatest nation in the world.    


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