Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Justice Gone Awry

Murder after murder after murder is going unsolved in Vermilion County Illinois and it's not because the assailants have committed the perfect crime.  In fact, in most cases the police have arrested the person who they believed was responsible for taking the life of another.  And the Vermilion County State's Attorney, Randy Brinegar, has charged them.  But mysteriously when the case comes up for trial the state sets their suspects free and the cases hang in limbo.  This is problematic for several obvious reasons and I'd like to know what  the hell is going on there.

Are the authorities setting murderers free or are they locking up innocent people while the real killer is still on the streets to kill again?  The citizens of  the county would be outraged if they knew this was happening.  And I can't imagine what the families of the victims are feeling.  So where is the press?  This is a big deal.  Why isn't this stuff getting some media attention?  The fact is that there are no media outlets in the county or the surrounding area with the guts to hold those officials responsible accountable.  It's just a big network of bedfellows coddling each other while the truth remains at large.

We are left to guess at what the truth is since we are not being informed.  There is absolutely no transparency with the justice system in Vermilion County, from the law enforcement end to the prosecution.  Of course we read the headlines when an arrest is made but when the state fumbles the ball we hear little if anything.  I said back in 2008 that I had no confidence in the Danville Police Department administration, the State's Attorney and the Danville mayor.  I will echo those words today.  How could any of us have confidence in the supposed leaders of justice systems that allow such injustices.  And these guys are supposed to be above reproach?  What a joke.  They don't keep it real and they wallow in their lies.  And, yes, they get away with it time and time again.

I'm sure there are other places in our nation that deal with the same thing.  But I can speak on Vermilion County because I know it.  I worked in that system for over 20 years and saw the dark side of the politics in that county.  It's not what you know it's who you know.  There is no justice.  If you got money, status, know the right person or kiss the right butt you're good.  If you don't you're screwed.  This goes for everyone involved in the system, from the beat cop to the defendant.  If you are of no value to the "elites" for one reason or another you get the shaft.  To the beat cop that may mean a career buried in patrol on night shift, to the defendant a jail term not proportionate to the crime.  The truth is that most of the powers that be care of nothing but themselves.

I suppose it will take a public outcry to change things.  But when the people don't know it's going on there is no need for them to cry out.  It's one big vicious cycle.  It takes more than a handful of voices to turn it around, it takes a chorus and, Vermilion County, it's time you joined the choir.



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